Cyber Liability Insurance

This page contains a brief video explainer of Cyber Liability Insurance. Below the video are a "get started" button that takes you to a request form, a link to a pricing guide, use cases and common gaps in coverage with Cyber Liability Insurance.


Use Cases

Should be considered mandatory for any business who transacts business electronically or possesses sensitive data.

There are SEVEN main coverage elements of a good Cyber and Data Breach insurance program

Coverage for indirect costs like public relations and marketing agencies

Payment of regulatory fines and penalties imposed by government entities

Common Gaps

If your Cyber coverage is not a stand-alone policy, it is very likely to have many gaps

No first-party coverage to reimburse you for direct expenses tied to your system recovery

Ransomware or extortion payments have to made by you and then reimbursed by insurance later

Limits or exclusions on phishing, social engineering and fraudulent transfer attacks

Cyber Liability Insurance is Risky

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